Hello all-
It seems cond-expand is not recognized inside module declarations. I
have the following file saved as "extra.scm":
  (when unless)

(cond-expand (plt) (else
(define-syntax when
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ cond . body)
     (if cond (begin . body)))))

(define-syntax unless
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ cond . body)
     (if (not cond) (begin . body)))))

It actually has lots more in it.

(require 'extra) at the REPL fails with "Warning: reference to
possibly unbound identifier: cond-expand".
When using chicken 3.X with -R syntax-case, the file loaded just fine,
so I'm wondering if there's a good reason for not allowing cond-expand
inside a module in chicken 4. (SRFI-0 specifies cond-expand as a
top-level construct, but does not prohibit implementations from
allowing it inside other constructs.)

I realize that the module format used here will not work with
PLT-scheme anymore, so I could just remove the cond-expands, but I'm
still curious.


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