On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:40 AM, Shawn Rutledge
<shawn.t.rutle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With Chicken 3, (use egg) can load a compiled egg.so in the cwd.  This
> is especially handy during egg development - you can compile and test
> repeatedly without having to install.  Chicken 4 doesn't seem to do
> that.  Is there some concept of an egg path, where it will look for
> the library?

Hi Shawn,

What's the error you're getting?  It works for me, with 2 caveats:

1) In both Chicken 3 and 4, an installed extension takes precedence
over an .so in the current directory.

2) In Chicken 4, (use xxx) will perform an import, which will fail if
you didn't generate an import library or if your egg is not a module
at all.

If your .so isn't a module, use (require-library xxx) instead.  This
can be a bit annoying from the command line as csi does not have a
"require-library" equivalent to -R.  Instead I have been doing `csi -e
'(require-library xxx)' ...` during testing.

Note: the manual says that USE or REQUIRE-EXTENSION is "equivalent to
(require-library ID ...) but performs an implicit import, if
necessary".  In my experience, it always performs an import; there is
no 'if necessary' about it.  I don't know which is the intended


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