Phil Bewig scripsit:

> SRFI-40 is deprecated due to a memory leak.  Please port SRFI-41 instead,
> and adapt any code that uses SRFI-40 to the new interface.

The following eggs depend directly on the srfi-40 egg:

egg-post-commit html-plots html-stream irnc-base mat5-lib ode
scheme-dissect stream-base64 stream-cgi stream-ext stream-flash
stream-htpasswd stream-httplog stream-ldif stream-parser stream-sections

John Cowan
Rather than making ill-conceived suggestions for improvement based on
uninformed guesses about established conventions in a field of study with
which familiarity is limited, it is sometimes better to stick to merely
observing the usage and listening to the explanations offered, inserting
only questions as needed to fill in gaps in understanding. --Peter Constable

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