On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 04:12:17PM -0400, bill wrote:
> Hi all,
> It got me thinking, however.    Java is a complex abomination, but it 
> does have one thing in it's favor - the JVM and the endless libraries 
> you'll find there.    Whenever I tell people how great Chicken Scheme is 
> they always come back to me with the same agrument they use against Lisp 
> - it just doesn't have the breadth of libraries needed in the real 
> world.    There are a lot of eggs, but not some key ones (PNG and GTK 
> for instance)
> How do we change this and compete with the ideas behind Clojure and 
> Scala?    Scheme is a much better language.

The best way to change this is to write these missing eggs!

Also, we have a javahack egg, so we can still make some use of what
the JVM has to offer.  I've never used it because I won't touch Java
with a 10-foot pole, so I don't know how good it is.

"The process of preparing programs for a digital computer
 is especially attractive, not only because it can be economically
 and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic
 experience much like composing poetry or music."
                                                        -- Donald Knuth

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