On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Virgil King<virgilk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Taking the hint about "weird chicken pieces" I tried moving aside
> /usr/local/lib/chicken/4 before reinstalling 4.1.0 and sxpath and that
> fixes my issue.

Good catch.  I can confirm it is looking in the installed repository
first before the current directory, by doing the following in a
directory where sxpath has already been built:

~/scheme/chicken-eggs4/sxpath$ ls -l sxpath-lolevel.import.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 jim  jim  17976 Sep  1 18:53 sxpath-lolevel.import.so*

~/scheme/chicken-eggs4/sxpath$ csi64 -R sxpath-lolevel
; loading /Users/jim/local.64/chicken-4/lib/chicken/4/sxpath-lolevel.import.so

Also lsof confirms the csc setup in sxpath.setup pulls in
sxpath-lolevel from the repository, not the local directory.

To be honest I can never pin down whether the local directory or
repository is supposed to take precedence (I swear it has changed from
time to time), and whose fault this is, but you did find a bug.


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