Thanks Nicholas
The fact that the C code resulting from the translation is not humanly
readable is not important to me. I only intend to compile the C code
and link it against other libraries.

/* */ style comments not being supported is a minor problem.
Infix not being supported is a slightly bigger deal, but manageable.

Thanks! I'll keep on experimenting.


On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Nicholas "Indy" Ray<> wrote:
> So, Don't confuse the fact that Chicken compiles to C with being able
> to translate to C. The result of the Chicken compiler is doubtful to
> be maintainable by hand. If you run csc -t on a source file that
> actually compiles, you will see what sort of C Chicken generates.
> If you're still trying to get the SKILL program to compile in Chicken
> a fact brought up on the wikipedia page you linked will be
> problematic:
> SKILL seems to allow C style function calling and infex notation for
> some operators. Chicken Scheme (And most Schemes only) use prefix
> notation.
> So, function calls written as:
> Func(A B)
> will have to be rewritten as:
> (Func A B)
> And operators written as
> X + Y
> will have to be rewritten as
> (+ X Y)
> Additionally, for comments /* */ is not supported, Scheme comments
> start with a ; and go on till end of line.
> There are many other problems with the syntax of the small code
> snippets you linked, I suggest getting aquainted with standard Scheme
> Indy
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Yaron Kretchmer<> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Ray.
>> My apologies.  Let me explain some more.
>> I have a program written in a language called SKILL, which is a
>> variant of Scheme. SKILL is used in semiconductor design to describe
>> the layout of transistors, and is described briefly in
>> I am interested in translating this SKILL program to C, and thought I
>> could use Chicken to accomplish that. I've installed and ran Chicken
>> on the various SKILL programs I have, and some of the trivial programs
>> compiled OK, whereas some of the more complex examples failed. This
>> might be related to the Syntax differences between SKILL and Scheme,
>> or is related to my incorrect usage of Chicken.
>> Is the above within the confines of this group? If it is, I'll send
>> the code that was causing me problems, and would appreciate any help,
>> Best regards
>> Yaron
>> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Nicholas "Indy" Ray<> wrote:
>>> Sorry, But I don't think the HTML was the major problem with the email.
>>> First of all it's not clear what you are trying to do.
>>> Second of all without any code to see what's generating you're errors
>>> it's hard to diagnose.
>>> Also things like
>>> "(() if (opptapObj->tap == "None" then return (nil) else return (t)))"
>>> and
>>> "/* comment
>>> and more comment
>>> end of comment */"
>>> and
>>> "prefix = substring(dev 1 2)"
>>> Looks nothing like Scheme code, much more like C code. Are you sure
>>> the code is Scheme at all??
>>> Additionally this isn't exactally a good mailing list for converting
>>> code from SKILL to C as this is a Chicken Scheme mailing list, and
>>> unless Chicken is some how involved, neither C or Skill seems to
>>> apply.
>>> Indy
>>> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Yaron Kretchmer<> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Here's a resend with no HTML :P
>>>> ------------------------------- begin
>>>> resend-------------------------------------
>>>> Hi All.
>>>> Just joined the group, so forgive my newbie questions :)
>>>> I have some legacy code written in SKILL (a variant of Scheme) which
>>>> I'm trying to convert to C.
>>>> I tried compiling the code , and got several different error message,
>>>> and was wondering whether somebody could suggest a solution  for each
>>>> :
>>>> =======================begin 
>>>> problems==========================================
>>>> Problem 1 - substring
>>>> *) The code uses the "substring" function which the compiler seems to
>>>> have a problem with. So lines like
>>>> prefix = substring(dev 1 2)
>>>> create compiler error message like
>>>> Syntax error: illegal atomic form
>>>>        ()
>>>>        Expansion history:
>>>> ...
>>>>        <syntax>                (dev 1 2)       <--
>>>> problem 2 - multi-line comments
>>>> *) The compiler doesn't recognize multi-line comments
>>>> /* comment
>>>> and more comment
>>>> end of comment */
>>>> problem 3 - Unknown object methods
>>>> *) The code refers to object methods/properties  through the use of
>>>> the "->" operator. The compiler doesn't like.
>>>>  prog( ()
>>>>    if( opptapObj->tap == "None" then return(nil) else return(t))
>>>>  ) ;prog
>>>>  generates error
>>>> Syntax error: illegal atomic form
>>>>        ()
>>>>        Expansion history:
>>>>        ...
>>>>        <syntax>                (() if (opptapObj->tap == "None" then
>>>> return (nil) else return (t)))    <--
>>>> ==================End 
>>>> problems===============================================
>>>> Thanks a lot!
>>>> Yaron
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