Thomas Bushnell BSG <> writes:

> I have a memory leak in a long-running program; I can easily provoke it.
> (It's quite complex; too complex to post here.)
> The program involves lots of FFI interfaces to Linux syscalls, and other
> stuff.
> The memory leak is *not* in Scheme; this is verified by the fact that
> (memory-statistics) while it's running shows bounded memory consumption.
> Yet the heap usage is growing without limit.  There's bad malloc going
> on somewhere.  
> Are there any convenient tools to try and figure out malloc usage in
> Chicken Scheme?
Dunno specifically about Chicken Scheme (and "convinient" ;-), but given
the fact that your leak is in C code, you might be able to make sense
from Valgrind[0] output -- for C/C++ this works great, usually.


Regards, Rotty
Andreas Rottmann -- <>

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