Now all that's missing are recipes on how to use these more effectively :)

Do not forget that you can (include) other files as well.

So far, I am using a combination of modules and includes.


programmer, n:
       A red eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Will M. Farr <> wrote:

> Christian,
> On Dec 10, 2009, at 11:33 AM, Christian Kellermann wrote:
> > one thing that keeps bugging me repeatedly is the concept of a unit
> > as opposed to a module in chicken scheme. Could someone of the fine
> > people on this list point me to some hints in the docs or explain
> > here why there are those two separate things and what the differences
> > are?
> I was once puzzled by this, too, but I think I have figured it out now.
>  The other experts on this list can correct me if I make a mistake.
> The short summary: modules work on syntax, controlling the mapping between
> symbols and bindings at top-level.  Units work at runtime, ensuring that
> code is initialized and top-level statements are executed in the correct
> order.  Here's the long explanation:
> * modules: a syntactic construct that associates names (symbols) with
> bindings.  In Chicken, all bindings are top-level; a module lets you access
> those top-level bindings with different names (or even
> hide---effectively---some bindings because there is no name existing inside
> the module that refers to them).  Purely syntax.  Modules are very important
> for macros, because free symbols in the output of a hygenic macro should
> refer to bindings according to the mapping in place *when the macro was
> defined*, not the binding in place when the macro is used.
> * units: a way to designate some code as intended to be included in a
> larger library or program.  The issue that units try to solve is that, in
> general, top-level forms in Scheme have side-effects.  Consider:
> (define (foo x) (+ x 1))
> When this is "executed", the global namespace is extended with a binding
> for 'foo that refers to a function of a single argument that adds one to the
> argument.  This behind-the-scenes stuff must happen before any code runs
> that uses foo, or things break.  Units help ensure this.  The
> (declare (unit foo))
> declaration states that the code in this file is designated by the name
> foo.  The
> (declare (uses foo))
> declaration says "the following code uses definitions from foo", and
> ensures that all the behind-the-scenes stuff that needs to happen in the foo
> unit happens before executing any statements in the current file.
> In other words, units are a way of managing separate compilation of code.
>  Put some code into a unit and compile it.  Then "using" it in another bit
> of code will make sure that the code in the unit runs before any code in the
> "using" file (including all the behind-the-scenes stuff that needs to happen
> to initialize the bindings in the unit, etc).
> Does this help explain the difference?
> Will
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