Hi Derrell

On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 19:45:17 -0500 Derrell Piper <d...@electric-loft.org> wrote:

> How does one become a registered wiki user?

You need an svn account for that.

> What exactly does subscribing to a page do and moreover, how do I manage
> pages that I've subscribed to?

You'll get e-mail notifications when the page is modified.

> Do I get notified forever?  What if I change my mind?  Do I need to
> fill this in on every update or does it remember it between updates?

You'll get notifications until you unsubscribe.  When you subscribe to a
page, you'll get an e-mail for you to confirm the subscription.  After
the confirmation, you'll receive another e-mail with a link to a page
where you can unsubscribe.

> wiki home page, click on 'Users'.  There's no 'P' section to edit and
> clicking on the top-most "edit" doesn't give me the entire page.  So how
> do I add a "P" section?

It works for me here.  Are you sure you clicked the right edit link?
There's one for the whole page
(http://parenteses.org/mario/misc/edit.png) and one for each section.
Maybe you clicked the one for the Introduction section.

Best wishes.

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