This is with recent git (8b1b582).  No msys, just plain mingw.
There were a couple problems I was able to fix: bootstrap/posixwin.c
was too old (I patched it), and the Makefile wanted to build
chicken-setup but could not (I commented it out).

However I can not get past the final issue: it doesn't build the
binary .import.* files.  It doesn't seem to know how to build the .c
counterpart, scheme.import.c, even though it's in rules.make.

X:\chicken-core>mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw PREFIX=X:\chicken4
CHICKEN=chicken-boot.exe scheme.import.c
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `scheme.import.c'.  Stop.

This results in a failure at install time:

X:\chicken-core>mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw PREFIX=X:\chicken4
CHICKEN=chicken-boot.exe install
mingw32-make -f ./Makefile.mingw CONFIG= install
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `X:/chicken-core'
xcopy /Y "X:\chicken4\lib\chicken\5"
File not found -

Any ideas?

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