Hi Jeronimo

On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 18:56:18 -0300 Jeronimo Pellegrini <j...@aleph0.info> wrote:

> I'm a bit confused... From the documentation it seemed that the older
> procedures were jsut renamed for convenience.

I suppose you are looking at the documentation for chicken 3, right?  If
so, it was back when there was no module system.  So, I suppose the utf8
author decided to let the users rename the procedures.

> Anyway, I tried what you suggested but it didn't work:
> #;1> (import utf8)
> ...
> #;2> (import (rename scheme (string-length byte-string-length)))

Sorry.  My fault.  I meant:

    (use utf8)
    (import (rename scheme (string-length byte-string-length)))

Best wishes.

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