I looked at the patch already, the INSTALL_LIB_HOME should take precedence and is set by `make LIBDIR=/usr/lib64`, as you did in the .spec file. In other words this should work without a patch unless there is a problem with the build system.

So, please send full build output so we can review it, making sure to run `make distclean` beforehand.

On Apr 13, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Adam Young wrote:

On 04/12/2010 05:53 PM, Jim Ursetto wrote:
Mixing works fine on Debian, on 64-bit Debian /usr/lib contains the native libraries and lib64 is a symlink to /usr/lib, with lib32/ being a separate directory. This allows apps that expect plain / usr/lib to work normally.

What I'm not clear on is why this is requires a patch in the first place. You specified LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 in your .spec file, as far as I know this should dump all library files into /usr/lib64 not / usr/lib, and if it doesn't maybe there is a bug in the makefile? Can you clarify what happens when you build with LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 (after a make distclean of course).

Look at the patch. The pathc /usr/lib is coded into a scheme source file:csc.scm

 (define library-dir
!   (prefix "" "lib"
          (if host-mode
              TARGET_LIB_HOME)) )

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