> This worked in Chicken 3 but in Chicken 4 all my eggs now have version
> "unknown".  The advantage of automatically bundling the 'version' file
> with the name of the sub-directory of tags was that it removed the
> burden of redundantly maintaining this information from the eggs'
> authors.

Or, in other words, the advantage of having the 'version' file is
that, to make a new release, an author just had to do:

  svn cp trunk tags/$VERSION

Without the 'version' file, the author also has to modify
tags/$VERSION/$EGG.setup to set the version number there, which is

I also happen to think that chicken-install should just use the
version file in the egg, that my
if-version-file-exists-use-it-otherwise-say-unknown hack shouldn't be
needed to begin with (the easier we make it to create new eggs the
better), but that's a separate discussion.


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