Hi Alaric

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:10:14 +0100 Alaric Snell-Pym <ala...@snell-pym.org.uk> 

> I've written a quick few hundred lines of Chicken Scheme that converts
> BNF-esque grammars such as:
> (s-expression
>  . (choice
>     (seq "(" (one-or-more s-expression) "." s-expression ")")
>     (seq "(" (zero-or-more s-expression) ")")
>     (seq "\"" string "\"")
>     (seq "#(" (zero-or-more s-expression) ")")
>     (seq "#" symbol)
>     (seq ":" symbol)
>     (seq symbol ":")
>     symbol
>     number
>     (seq "'" s-expression)
>     (seq "`" s-expression)
>     (seq "," s-expression)
>     (seq ",@" s-expression)))
> (symbol
>  . (choice
>     (seq "|" (one-or-more character) "|")
>     (seq symbol-first-character (zero-or-more
> symbol-subsequent-character))))
> Into SVG syntax diagrams such as:
> http://love.warhead.org.uk/~alaric/junk/sexpr.svg
> It uses matchable and sxpath-lolevel (from the sxpath egg) - the latter
> for turning the sxml representation of SVG into yucky XML.
> If it's of use to anybody else (I wrote it so I could draw syntax
> diagrams for the constructed language Lojban - see
> http://love.warhead.org.uk/~alaric/junk/lojban.svg for a more stressful
> workout of the layout engine), I'd like to put it in an egg, please!

Very nice.  The banterpixra directory has been created in the eggs
repo.  Thank you.

Best wishes.

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