The right way is to use include, foreign variables are not visible outside the 
compilation unit they are declared in.

Alternatively if you want a user accessible interface to the constants, and do 
not want to use the conversion procedures, use regular old define and export 
that binding: 

(define zero c:zero) ; then export zero

In short, if this is for internal use, use include. If it is for users, write a 
nice API for them.

On Jul 26, 2010, at 14:27, Martin DeMello <> wrote:

> Here's some code I'm using to test various module features (attached,
> and at
> In cprog-binding.scm, I define a binding to a C enum via:
> (define-foreign-enum-type (ccount int)
>                          (ccount->int int->ccount)
>                          (c:zero ZERO)
>                          (c:one ONE)
>                          (c:two TWO)
>                          (c:three THREE))
> This works if I (include "cprog-binding") directly in a scheme file
> (see "direct-load.scm"). However, if I want to include it in a module,
> then import the module, I cannot access the enum constants, though I
> can access ccount->int and int->ccount (see "test.scm"). What's the
> right way to do this?
> martin
> <test-chicken-modules.tgz>
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