Hi there, when loading bad code into the interpreter, I get warnings.
Is it possible to have line numbers printed for where these warnings
are triggered?  Sometimes a message like "reference to possibly
unbound identifier: x" is hard to trace down if I use variable x a lot
in the code.  Just to be complete in my question, here is an example
of what I'm talking about:

file test.scm:

(module foo

  (import scheme)

  (define (foo)
    (+ x y))

  (define (bar)
    (display "I am displaying something.")

 5831 [ taylor @ zareason ] : ~ > csi -no-init

(c)2008-2010 The Chicken Team
(c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann
Version 4.5.6
linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
compiled 2010-07-13 on zareason (Linux)

#;1> (load "test.scm")
; loading test.scm ...
; loading /opt/chicken/lib/chicken/5/scheme.import.so ...

Warning: reference to possibly unbound identifier: y

Warning: reference to possibly unbound identifier: x

Error: module unresolved: foo

        Call history:

        <syntax>                [foo] (##core#begin (+ x y))
        <syntax>                [foo] (+ x y)
        <syntax>                (define (bar) (display "I am
displaying something.") (newline))
        <syntax>                (##core#set! bar (##core#lambda ()
(display "I am displaying something.") (newline)))
        <syntax>                (##core#lambda () (display "I am
displaying something.") (newline))
        <syntax>                [bar] (##core#begin (display "I am
displaying something.") (newline))
        <syntax>                [bar] (display "I am displaying something.")
        <syntax>                [bar] (newline) <--

Taylor C. Venable

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