From: Peter Danenberg <>
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Backslash-symbol changed from \ to \\ between 
4.5.0 and 4.6.0
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 19:52:24 -0500

> Quoth Felix on Prickle-Prickle, the 60th of Bureaucracy:
>> This change is intentional. `\' is now a (single) escape character.
>> The reading of keywords is indeed incomplete, yet.
> Ok; is the consensus, then, that I should escape all my backslashes in
> symbols with another backslash from 4.6.0 onwards?
> I agree with Peter Bex, though, that R5RS seems to be mum on the
> matter of backslashes in identifiers; according to 7.1.1 [1], in fact,
> these are the only explicitly allowed symbols in addition to letters
> and numbers:
>         ! $ % & * / : < = > ? ^ _ ~ + - . @
> It might have been presumptuous of me to depend on the 4.5.0
> behaviour; but it would be nice, on the other hand, to document the
> change somewhere.

See the manual chaprter "Non-standard read syntax" -> "Escapes in symbols".


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