On Nov 3, 2010, at 8:09 AM, Hugo Arregui wrote:

Sorry, I found another thing in srfi-19:

(date->string (seconds->date 12) "~B")

but, now:

(string->date (date->string (seconds->date 12) "~B") "~B")

Error: (scan-date) bad date template - date read incomplete
#,(date 0 0 0 0 #f 12 #f -10800 ART #f #f #f #f)

I'm missing something?

The original implementation of SRFI 19 does not allow an incomplete date as the result of `string->date' & the my re-write just follows along. The minimum information for a complete input date, according to `string->date', has day, month and year components; the time and timezone components default to 0 and the locale, respectively.

Now, this "restriction" can be lifted but it is a backdoor to the creation of invalid date objects. I will add a note in the documentation about the situation. (It appears to be missing from the SRFI document as well.)


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