Hi Felix,

I'm getting the following errors now:

$ csc cl.scm -framework OpenCL
cl.c: In function ‘stub359’:
cl.c:124: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘clEnqueueNDRangeKernel’ from
incompatible pointer type
cl.c:124: warning: passing argument 5 of ‘clEnqueueNDRangeKernel’ from
incompatible pointer type
cl.c:124: warning: passing argument 6 of ‘clEnqueueNDRangeKernel’ from
incompatible pointer type
cl.c: In function ‘stub332’:
cl.c:137: warning: passing argument 6 of ‘clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo’
from incompatible pointer type
cl.c: In function ‘stub224’:
cl.c:199: warning: passing argument 6 of ‘clGetProgramBuildInfo’ from
incompatible pointer type
cl.c: In function ‘stub175’:
cl.c:224: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘clCreateProgramWithSource’
from incompatible pointer type
cl.c: In function ‘stub132’:
cl.c:248: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘clCreateContext’ from
incompatible pointer type

The offending pointer type is size_t * .

A more general question.  When I look at the gl.scm file from the
opengl egg it looks like gl.h with the following around it:

;;;; gl.scm

(require-library easyffi)

(module gl *

(import scheme chicken (except foreign foreign-declare) easyffi)

  #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
  #include <windows.h>
  #include "glprocs/GL/gl.h"
  #include "glprocs/GL/glprocs.h"
  #ifdef C_MACOSX
  #include <OpenGL/gl.h>
  #include <GL/gl.h>

(foreign-parse #<<EOF

___declare(export_constants, yes)
___declare(substitute, "^(GL_|gl);gl:")



(foreign-parse #<<EOF




(I'm not 100% sure since my gl.h seems like a different version.)
Would there be a way for bind to work directly on the gl.h file

I must not be understanding how to use bind beyond the problems above.
 For example, I write the following fib.c:

// fib.c
int fib(int n) {
  int prev = 0, curr = 1;
  int next;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    next = prev + curr;
    prev = curr;
    curr = next;
  return curr;

and the following fib.h:

// fib.h
int fib(int);

Now, with fib-user.scm:

;;; fib-user.scm
(require-extension bind)
(module fib-user *
(import scheme chicken foreign bind)
(foreign-declare "#include \"fib.h\"")  
(bind #<<EOF
#include "fib.h"
int fib(int);

I run the following:

csc fib-user.scm fib.c

and everything seems fine.  At the REPL I do:

#;1> ,l /my/path/to/fib-user

and receive the following error:

; loading /my/path/to/fib-user ...
Error: unbound variable: |\317\372\355\376...@^@^a...@^@\200...@^@^@ |

Thanks again, -Dave

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Felix
<fe...@call-with-current-continuation.org> wrote:
> From: David Dreisigmeyer <dwdreisigme...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Chicken-users] bind error : "bad prototype syntax"
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 10:26:44 -0500
>> For the attached scheme file I'm getting the error below.  The line
>> it's complaining about looks like this:
> Add:
> #define CL_API_CALL
> #define CL_API_SUFFIX__VERSION_1_0
> #define CL_API_ENTRY
> I also had to add these to make it compile:
> typedef int cl_int;
> typedef unsigned int cl_uint;
> typedef unsigned int cl_mem_flags;
> typedef unsigned long cl_ulong;
> I also recommend to use `bind' (not `bind*') and to add
> (foreign-declare "#include <OpenCL/cl.h>")
> at the start of your file.
> cheers,
> felix

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