On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 03:49:41PM +0900, Daishi Kato wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm porting one of my projects from chicken-3.2.0 to chicken-4.6.0.
> (And thus found a bug in http-client.)
> It seems like the previous sxpath doesn't work on the new one.
> Could anybody help how I can fix this?
> The sxpath worked on chicken-3.2.0 is something like the following:
> ((sxpath "//table/tr[td[a[contains(@href,'&abc=123&')]]]") x)
> On 3.2.0 I used the sxml-tools egg and the sxpath egg on 4.6.0

What is the error you get?  What is the content you run this
expression on?  Can you simplify it to a simple testcase?

My gut feeling is that the & is maybe wrong.  Did you try just '&'?

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