On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 03:51:45PM +0100, Thomas Chust wrote:
> 2011/1/15 Alan Post <alanp...@sunflowerriver.org>:
> > 2011/1/14 .alyn.post. <alyn.p...@lodockikumazvati.org>:
> >> [...]
> >> The sqlite3 is still failing to compile in the experimental branch:
> >> [...]
> > [...]
> > I believe the attached patch should do it.  I withdraw the original
> > miliseconds deprecation patch (but retain the noop/void patch) and
> > replace it with this one.
> > [...]
> Hello Alan,
> although there was no patch attached to the message, I have now
> checked in modifications to the trunk version of the SQLite3 egg that
> should largely be equivalent to your suggested changes.

I even said: "ok self, make sure you attach the patch to the
e-mail."  I notice that you removed code adding |current-milliseconds|
(presumably now |current-seconds|) to the timeout.  This was
intentional?  I also notice that several division and multiplication
operations in thread-sleep! weren't modified for fixnum--I though
they could be; you understand the code better than I do.

> All tests still run fine under CHICKEN 4.6.3, but I still haven't
> tested with the experimental branch of CHICKEN. I would be grateful if
> you could try it under CHICKEN 4.6.4 and tell me if everything is in
> order, then I would tag a new version of the SQLite3 egg.

There is one test failure I'm seeing:

    -- testing statement management
    basic lifecycle
.................................................. [ERROR]
Error: (finalize!) unable to close due to unfinalised statements:
#<sqlite3:data base>
      (db ":memory:")
        (((stmt tail) (prepare db "SELECT 42; -- tail")))
          (lambda ()
            (let* ((s0 (step! stmt)) (s1 (step! stmt))) (list tail s0 s1)))
          (lambda () (and-let* ((s stmt)) (set! stmt #f) (finalize! s))))))

I don't properly recall whether this was working earlier or not.  It
doesn't appear to be working currently, however.  For my use of the
sqlite3 egg, I don't believe I'm seeing a problem related to this
test failure, it at least isn't a show stopper for me.

> I hope my sluggish reaction didn't cause you too much trouble :-)

I am very excited that Christian set up a salmonella report for the
experimental branch, it raised my own urgency on getting the sqlite3
egg working.  Thank you so much for taking the time to make these
fixes--it came just as I made some changes that cause my own test
cases to fail, so I'm now causing myself too much trouble.  ;-)


PS: Thank you!  Thank you!
.i ko djuno fi le do sevzi

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