On 02/16/11 14:20, Felix wrote:

> ... and I want a pony. :-)

What colour?

> It is never the question of whether some well-crafted, time-saving
> tool is useful or not, that's obvious. It's always the question of who
> does it and when. So instead of discussing the technical details, I
> propose to discuss when we will get together and fix this once and for
> all, or try to find someone who coordinates such an effort. I'm sure a
> bunch of chickenistas will be willing to write some part of the whole
> thing (I certainly am). It would be good to identify (in a concise and
> not too specific manner) the different tools (or parts of a more
> general tool) that are needed. Post them here, and I will pick out
> something that I'd like to do. Others will join, hopefully. And you
> will take care of project management. Agreed?


I've outlined what I think would be good; of course, partial
implementations ("I did X but Y is too hard") are a step in the right
direction, and somebody else might do Y later, too :-) Every little helps!


Alaric Snell-Pym

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