On 02/28/11 14:10, Christian Kellermann wrote:

>> The Gazette is reaching that point, and I want to save it.
> After all the wonderful responses to this thread and the awesome
> amount of work that it has triggered. I wondered who is working on
> a new issue now?
> This feels like people that have gathered around a collapsing person
> for help and then everyone goes back to work because someone said
> he has called an ambulance...
> The gazette is still there, waiting...

Hee hee, don't worry; I've just been a bit busy with business travel and
the new babe.

So far, I've written my omelette recipe into SVN; and tools are
gathering in the gazette-tools egg and on the wiki page at
http://wiki.call-cc.org/gazette - hopefully this weekend I'll get a
chance to integrate and test what we have, and we may even get our first
gazette out of it!

> P.S.: This is not a I-want-to-annoy-you but a
> I-want-to-get-back-in-the-loop post...

I'm glad to hear it ;-) Watch that wiki page and that egg in SVN,
they're the rallying points; anything good that comes to me in email,
gets pushed in those directions when I get a chance.


Alaric Snell-Pym

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