> I added #:binary to my code. but "file-copy" still does not work correctly.
> #;5> (file-copy "firefox.png" "Copy of Fx.png")
> 6162
> #;6> (file-size "Copy of Fx.png")
> 6190
> #;5> (file-copy "firefox.png" "Copy of Fx.png" #:binary)
> 6162
> In "file-copy" definition at files.scm, #:binary is not used.

Thanks, I'll fix this accordingly.

>> I'm not sure what you mean: does "regular-file?" not work on Windows?
>> (I can't try it out myself, right now)
>> What chicken version are you using? "make-pathname" should normally
>> work.
> regular-file? always return #f.
> #;10> (regular-file? "Copy of Fx.png")
> #f

Ok, thanks again.

> make-pathname uses '/' instead of '\'
> #;9> (make-pathname "C:\\foo\\bar" "testtest")
> "C:\\foo\\bar/testtest"

You can use "normalize-pathname" to convert it to a proper Windows
pathname. Internally, Chicken uses "/" and usually Windows API
functions accept this format.

> By the way, I am using your egg 'qt-light'. It was nice but not enough,
> so I added some features.
> I attach the files.

Thanks very much, I'll add your changes to the egg.


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