On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 12:56:59PM -0400, John Gabriele wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've noticed that some of the wiki pages have an h2 title at the top,
> some don't. For the ones that have have a table of contents, some have
> an h2 above the toc, some have it below.

Yeah, this is up to each individual author.

> I think pages look a bit odd if they have no title at the very top.
> Looking at the source for a few pages, I haven't seen any h1 tags anywhere.
> The [editing help](https://wiki.call-cc.org/edit-help) page says not
> to use "= title", as h1's are reserved for use by the wiki itself.

I think this is historical; svnwiki probably used to do this.
However, the svnwiki-sxml parser used by qwiki only recognises == as
section markers; a line starting with a single = is invalid syntax and
rendered literally.

> I think most pages would probably look best if there's always an h1
> title at the top which is not part of the table of contents (if there
> is indeed a toc).
> Is the wiki indeed using h1's for anything?

A quick grep tells me it uses them on the search result page as a
heading and for the "this page does not exist yet" heading when you
try to open a page that doesn't exist.

So it doesn't use them in front of user-generated content.

> Does the wiki generate a portion of a page's <title> tag using the
> first h2 on the page?

It picks the very first section marker, whatever level it is.
If none is found, it uses the filename.

> I think it would make sense for every page to have an h1 ("= Page
> Title") at the top, which would not be part of a toc (if present),
> which would be rendered at the top of the page body (above the toc, if
> present), and which would be used to generate the first portion of the
> page's <title>. What do you think?

I think that is ugly since it would repeat this title:

== foo

gets rendered to


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