2011/11/25 Mario Domenech Goulart <mario.goul...@gmail.com>:
> It's far from being a definitive solution, but you can find a quick hack
> here: http://parenteses.org/mario/misc/fetch-eggs.scm
> Just call it like:
>   $ csi -s fetch-eggs.scm egg1 egg2 ...

Thanks! I did already something similar:

(define (main args)
  (let ((egg (car args)))
    (system (string-append "chicken-install -r " egg))
    (letrec ((meta (string-append egg "/" egg ".meta"))
             (deps (assoc 'depends (read (open-input-file meta)))))
      (if deps
          (let ((eggs (map (lambda (egg) (if (pair? egg) (car egg) egg))
                           (cdr deps))))
             (lambda (egg)
               (main (list egg)))
             (map symbol->string eggs)))))))

But it would be nice if chicken-install can do this out of the box.

It would also be nice if the functionality of chicken-install is part
of some module to avoid the "system" calls.

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