On Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 09:39:06PM +0100, Mark Carter wrote:
> > If I want to reproduce this, do I need to type in anything else?
> > It doesn't happen here.
> After some experimenting, the statistics eggs seems to introduce some 
> peculiarity. Here's a session:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #;1> (* 1.0 5/2)
> Warning: cannot represent exact fraction - coerced to flonum: "5/2"
> 2.5
> #;2> (use statistics)
> #;3> (* 1.0 5/2)
> Error: (*) bad argument type: 5/2
>         Call history:
>         <syntax>          (* 1.0 5/2)
>         <eval>    (* 1.0 5/2)   <--
> #;3> (use numbers)
> #;4> (* 1.0 5/2)
> 2.5

This is a known problem with the numbers egg, see Thomas's post.
I didn't expect it to turn up in this particular way; a more common
way is to have a library/module that uses numbers which passes the
number to procedures in a library which doesn't, and then tries to
perform calculations on it.

The only way to truly fix this is to add numbers to core; the
way it extends the reader is a bit of a hack and it doesn't truly
replace the procedures from the Scheme module.  Even if it did, compiled
code often calls C functions directly which "bypasses" any overwriting
the numbers egg might do at the Scheme level; that's why it doesn't
even try to do this at all.

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