On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Moritz Heidkamp

> Fellow Chickeneers,
> yesterday I released the first version of Lowdown, a Markdown parser
> written in pure Chicken Scheme. The only other Markdown parser egg we
> had so far, discount, requires the corresponding C library and can only
> read and emit strings. Lowdown doesn't have any foreign dependencies,
> can read from strings or input ports (well, any lazy-seq of chars,
> really) and emits SXML. It passes all 22 tests of MarkdownTest version
> 1.0.3. I also started implementing a very basic extension API but that's
> not ready for public consumption, yet. For more information, check the
> documentation at the usual place: http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/lowdown
> Hope it's useful to anyone!


I must apologize, btw. I was written something that required a Markdown
parser and I didn't feel like going on this huge detour to write a Markdown
parser in Scheme, so I just used the Discount library and that's it. And
reading and emitting strings is actually a nicer interface than what you'd
normally write with Discount - took me a while to backtrack and redo it, it
was going to be something much more complex to begin with.

In any case, I am not to sad to see the Discount egg die. Give it an
horrible death.

-- Stephen
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