> I just ran the experiment on V8 with Spock, this time using the "-optimize" 
> switch.  The results are:
>   Execution times using V8 (Chrome 21.0.1180.89):
>                  Gambit-JS        Scheme2JS             Spock
>   fib35               .80        1.54    1.9x        2.40   3.0x
>   nqueens12           .72         .76    1.1x        2.34   3.3x
>   oddeven             .83        1.92    2.3x        5.62   6.8x
>   ctak                .18       17.64   95.9x         .66   3.6x
>   contfib30          1.17      106.01   90.9x        3.60   3.1x
>   btsearch2000       1.35       25.40   18.8x        9.28   6.9x
>   threads10          1.34       24.68   18.5x        4.71   3.5x
> So the -optimize switch has actually slowed down the execution on the last 4 
> programs (those which use call/cc).  Can you explain what the -optimize 
> switch does?

Well, it (normally) optimizes the code. It enables things like
copy-propagation and dead-code elimination, which I assume are enabled
by default in Gambit. I can't explain the slowdown. There are too many
levels involved when compiling to JS...

> Note that these experiments were done with a previous release of Spock (the 
> one that was current on July 6... I don't know how to get the Spock version 
> number from chicken-spock).  I know that you have released Spock 0.9 but I 
> had problems installing the new version on my OS X 10.8.1 computer so I can't 
> say if there is an improvement in the latest version.

I assume there isn't. The simple tests I did ran at about the same
speed, but this may be different for your tests or
continuation-intensive things.


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