On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 08:23:12AM +0200, Timo Myyr?? wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Timo,

> Test my port on
> https://github.com/jasperla/openbsd-wip/tree/master/lang/chicken
> It should be working except for the deployment stuff which is still broken
> as shown above.
> Somewhere lurks a reference to the libchicken.so.6 instead of
> libchicken.so.6.0.
> Haven't found the cause for it yet.
> But once it gets fixed I think the port would be ready to be commited to
> openbsd ports.

I don't know what the advantage to scrapping this would be if you are
getting the same error as I posted. Your port should be committed against
current and the port from current right now is still broken on 5.2.

If somebody can fix the tests than the port Christian sent me for 4.7.0 and
asked me to update for 4.8.0 (which I did Sunday and yesterday) should be
ok. Plus I would like to get the optimizations updated if there's no reason
to take the defaults.



> >
> > The other thing I noticed is the default is to compile optimized for size
> > in
> > all versions of the port I have seen and also the source build AFAIK. I am
> > not sure why this was chosen. Would it make sense to alter the port to use
> > -O3 or at least -O2? Loongson isn't the fastest thing out there but I can't
> > see using -Os unless it's for an embedded device. Does anyone know why this
> > is?
> >
> > Christian if this is ok do you know how to fix it in the port and also how
> > to fix the tests to copy so.6.0 instead of so.6?
> >
> > /jl
> >
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