Greetings, Chickeneers.

I have just released a new egg, protolk:

Protolk provides flexible  object oriented programming in Scheme,
> combining encapsulation and message passing a la Smalltalk and Ruby,
> with prototypal inheritance a la Self and JavaScript.

You might be wondering how how Protolk differs from existing prototype-based object systems available for Chicken, such as JSO, Protobj, and Prometheus. JSO and Protobj are simpler, with no encapsulation or message passing, as far as I can tell. Prometheus is the most similar to Protolk, but there are some stylistic differences, especially related to inheritance and slots (Prometheus is inspired more by Self, and Protolk is inspired more by Ruby).

I have created a page for protolk on the Chicken wiki (, but at the moment most of the documentation is on the project wiki: . Once the API is more set in stone, I will add the API docs to the Chicken wiki so that they are searchable in Chickadee.

This is my first significant project written in Chicken (or even Scheme), so I would like to hear constructive feedback about code style, organization, etc.


- John Croisant (jacius)

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