On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Sungjin Chun <chu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My intention is to create search client for Solr (search server using
> lucene); where I should send
> request URL like this;
> I've tried to create this client using http-client egg and had found that
> it does not like UTF-8 characters
> in the URL, so has my journey to hack started.

Ah, I see.  I had been building URIs directly with make-uri,
which accepts non-ASCII characters and encodes correctly
on output:

  (make-uri scheme: "http" host: ""
                 path: '("" "solr" "select") query: '((q . "삼계탕")))

If you want to parse a string which is already an invalid URI,
you need a hack.  Treating it as an invalid IRI (invalid because
it doesn't allow http) and converting to a URI would work.

Alternately, the URI parsing procedures (and their usage from
http-client) could take an optional non-strict? parameter to allow
invalid characters.  It might make sense to make this the
default for http-client, since this is what browsers typically do -
allow invalid URIs but percent-encode them on request.

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