On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Kristian Lein-Mathisen
<kristianl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hugo,
> Msgpack seems like an interesting project indeed. Thanks for making an egg
> for it!

my pleasure!

> I'm quite a newbie myself, but I noticed the coops egg includes the module
> implementation directly, so you don't have to declare two modules. Maybe
> that's easier in your case too?

I can do that, but the problem is, if I do so, the only module should
export all the procedures, include the internals one, that are needed
only for testing.

> I also noticed you're using (let () ...). Is there a reason you're not
> simply using (begin ...)?

No really, just inertia :-).

> I've been poking around the msgpack-repositories, they support a lot of
> languages! It's real neat that Chicken Scheme now joins in on the fun too.
> So, looking at the node.js port, it seems like they've created js-bindings
> to the official C library. Perhaps this might be suitable for Chicken Scheme
> too? From what I can tell, you are reimplementing most of the functionality
> from scratch, is that correct?

That's right, in fact, when I started the project I think to do so,
just create the bindings, but, to be honest, I think it will more fun
if I do it from scratch.

> Great work, great piece of software to keep handy!

Thanks Kristian!.

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