From: Peter Bex <>
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] [patch] remove the initial check on directory 
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 16:26:28 +0100

> On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 10:22:45AM -0500, John Cowan wrote:
>> Peter Bex scripsit:
>> > Better to either keep it the way it is, change the semantics and
>> > breaking compat (so be it), or convert to keyword args and make it an
>> > optional feature (my least favorite alternative).
>> I'm not a big fan of keyword args either, but an optional second argument
>> that makes it atomic wouldn't kill anybody.
>> (create-directory pathname [ atomic? ] )
> It already takes an optional second arg.  The current signature is:
> (create-directory pathname [ parents? ] )
> This optional parameter tells it to create parent directories if they
> don't exist.  Of course we could make it look like:
> (create-directory pathname [ parents? [ atomic? ] ] )
> This is probably the cleanest backwards-compatible solution.

Oh damn. I mixed this up with the one in setup-api. So, add1
to *this* solution, instead.


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