
I have talked to a user, and he reminded me of my past experience of
using Chicken in production environment around four years ago. While
many things improved since then, there're still some I'd like to have.

1. Distribute eggs by HTTP(S) and/or FTP(S).

Today I have "chicken-install -r", but it still is a specialized client.
I don't quite understand what I can do if I'm in mildly hostile network
where automatically configured proxy requires authentication mechanism
chicken-install doesn't support.

2. Distribute eggs as source tarballs.

In addition to (1) it would be nice if eggs were distributed as tarballs
rather than individual files. In addition, such tarballs could be
accompanied by cryptographic hash sums (individually per egg or as big
list for the whole repository). These tarballs could even be signed, even.

3. Label eggs with their versions.

It is unfortunate, that chicken-install still doesn't report egg version
in any way. Did I overlook it? It would be nice, if eggs would follow
common standard (eggname-x.y.z.tar.gz containing subdirectory eggname-x.y.z).

1-3 in conjunction would help paranoid people who want to track
versioning information for various reasons (security, stability in field).
(It would also help packagers and thus the community in whole due to
better visibility. I hope we do agree that there're people who prefer
using controlled installation rather than dumping random files into $PREFIX.)

4. Support installation of eggs into directory other than
$(chicken-install -repository).

It would be nice to be able to install eggs into private area
(for testing purposes, for migration purposes, just as developer
convenience, whatever).


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