From: Thomas Chust <>
Subject: [Chicken-users] Protocol Buffers for CHICKEN
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 00:15:20 +0200

> Hello,
> during the CHICKEN spring thing in Cologne I started to work on a new
> egg [1] implementing the protocol buffer [2] serialization format, which
> is now in a usable and tested state.
> If you don't need or want to use a specific schema for your data, you
> can use the protobuf egg as a generic serialization solution that
> produces platform-independent binary representations of (almost) any
> CHICKEN values:

Whoa! Incredible! Finally a decent serialization library. Is
closure/continuation-serialization reliable? I did some simple stupid
tests and at least serializing a continuation in csi produced an error
due to a not-serializable port (which is understandable).


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