
This is where parley uses stty.

(define (enable-raw-mode port)
  (let ((old-attrs (get-terminal-attributes port)))
    (install-exit-handler! port old-attrs)
    (stty port '(not echo icanon isig brkint icrnl inpck istrip ixon))
    (stty port '(cs8 opost))
    (set-buffering-mode! port #:none)

Creating a complete Win32 replacement for stty would be a lot of work but
replacing only the parts which parley uses would be much less work. It might look like this.

    #include <windows.h>
    HANDLE hConsolehandle;
    DWORD fdwOldMode, fdwNewMode;
    hConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
    if ( hConsoleHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
        ErrorExit("GetStdHandle"); /* or something more sensible */
    if ( ! GetConsoleMode( hConsoleHandle, &fdwOldMode ) ) {
        ErrorExit("GetConsoleMode"); /* or something more sensible */
    fdwNewMode = fdwOldMode &
    if ( ! SetConsoleMode( hconsoleHandle, fdwNewMode ) ) {
        ErrorExit("GetStdHandle"); /* or something more sensible */

Would the exit handler and set_buffering_mode require POSIX?

One would have to save the old mode for use by the exit handler.

Could this be put in-line? How would one handle the conditional inclusion of the Win32 code?

Just thinking out loud. I hope you don't mind.

Claude Marinier

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