Hi again,

I think process-execute and its siblings misbehave when handling
environment variables. For example:

(process "ls" '())                                            ; works
(process "ls" '() '())                                        ; fails
(process "ls" '() '("LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad"))       ; fails
(process "/bin/ls" '() '())                                   ; works
(process "/bin/ls" '() '("LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad"))  ; works

The problem stems from the fact that process "resets" the entire
environment (PATH included) when setting variables. I don't think this
is the intended behavior (for sure it is not the most useful).

Sorry for not providing a patch but after the last one being rejected
for no good reason, I'm a bit warier about how I spend my time. I am
sure there is a good non-reason not to fix this one.


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