
> I am trying to port Clojure's core.async module in my very limited spare
> hacking time to CHICKEN right now. This should be what you are looking
> for. I will announce it here once something usable comes from that.

That is great news. I will watch out for that egg, even if it might take
some time hatch it.
> > I understand that Chicken only offers very limited threading
> > capability.
> Well, it's only limited in the amount of cores you can utilize (1) and
> what kinds of functions you can run in parallel (e.g. FFI calls usually
> block all threads). This is orthogonal to Go-style channels, though.

I see. I am not knowledgable in the area compilers/threads/OS processes, let
alone in the magic that makes fairly efficiant C code come out of chicken.
However, I imagine the the limitation when it comes to core usage is linked
to the transcription technique of scheme to C. 

Otherwise one could peek in the C source of the go routines and translate
them to chicken, no?



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