
On Mon, 3 Feb 2014 13:58:31 -0200 Stephen Eilert <spedr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the issue is that Chicken for the moment does not seem to
> enjoy much popularity on Windows. Having an installer could help
> mitigate some of that, but I am not sure it's the only requirement.

I don't know.  Unless the installer drags a C toolchain as a runtime
dependency, I don't see how it would make CHICKEN more interesting on
Windows for developers (unless you consider "csi runs" satisfying

CHICKEN is primarily a compiler.  It compiles to C.  So, for any
practical use of CHICKEN (as a developer, I mean) you need a C
toolchain.  If you have a C toolchain, why not build CHICKEN itself?
It's pretty simple and lightweight on requirements.  Besides GNU Make,
you don't need anything else you'd need to install an egg or to compile
a "hello-world"-style program in Scheme.

Best wishes.

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