On 2 March 2014 17:34, John Cowan <co...@mercury.ccil.org> wrote:

> Daniel Carrera scripsit:
> > Error: unbound variable: foreign-lambda*
> The Chicken FFI does not work in the interpreter.

Ok. :-(

Does that apply to other languages like Python?

> > I have installed the numbers egg. When I run (use numbers) I get a lot of
> > warnings to the effect of:
> I can't replicate this.  The procedures are being overridden as explained,
> but you shouldn't see warnings about them unless you are explicitly
> importing the "scheme" or "chicken" libraries, which is never necessary
> outside a module.  In a module, just ignore the warnings.
Ok. I'll leave it for now. I don't need the full numeric tower, I'm just

When an engineer says that something can't be done, it's a code phrase that
means it's not fun to do.
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