
I just built chicken on MS Windows Vista with a somewhat recent cygwin. The installation process went well but csi could not find parley.

Turns out parley needs stty which did not compile because it cannot find the symbol ECHOPRT. I removed the offending code from stty.scm, compiled, and installed it. After that, parley installed without complaint.

Does anyone know how to compile a static program under cygwin? It cannot
find a library; the name may be "cygchicken0.a" (I switched back to debian and cannot remember exactly).

By the way, I love scheme in general and Chicken Scheme in particular. I am writing a small version of Joy (don't know how far I will go on just curiosity). It already does so much after just a few hours of coding. I am able to stand on the shoulders of giants (e.g. scheme books and Rosetta Code) which helps a lot.

Merci beaucoup.

Claude Marinier

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