On Wed, Apr 02, 2014 at 11:08:35PM -0400, Claude Marinier wrote:
> Hi,
> I am happily using Chicken Scheme 4.8.3 on MS Windows 7 and Vista. The 
> key is reading the README file and the helpful web page.
> There is one problem: make check fails as follows. Note that I built from 
> a Windows command prompt like this.
>   mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw PREFIX=C:/Chicken
>   mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw PREFIX=C:/Chicken install
>   chicken-install numbers
> All those work without error and I can compile and run my application.

Hi Claude,

Thanks for your report.  Have you tried a git master build?  We recently
fixed this bug, but there's no dev snapshot in which it is fixed yet.
It should be fixed in 4.9.0 as well.


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