Dear CHICKEN users,

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CHICKEN 4.9.0
at the following URL:

There are a great many changes in this release since 4.8.0.  The most
important bugfixes are those which address 6 security issues: CVE-2014-3776,
CVE-2013-4385, CVE-2013-4385, CVE-2013-2024, CVE-2013-2075 and CVE-2012-6122.
Important new features are an update of the shipped copy of the Irregex
package to the upstream version of 0.9.2, (basic) support for 5 new
platforms: Android, iOS, AIX and GNU Hurd and MingW-64.  Support for
"deployment" of binaries has been improved, and a few changes to the
basic syntax have been made for those parts of R7RS that require support
from the core system (R7RS-small will be fully supported through an egg).
Finally, to verify your setup is functioning properly, it is now possible
to run "make check" *before* installing CHICKEN.

You can find the full list of changes in the NEWS file available here:

Thanks to all who contributed bug reports, feature requests and fixes.

Kind regards,

Chicken-users mailing list

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