于 2014年06月12日 20:04, blueperson 写道:
>> Hi,
>>> Yeah the Makefile is buggy.
>>> Please find my WIP patch attached to this email.
>> This looks more comprehensive than my patch. As I just use hato-smtp.scm I 
>> get away without building most of it.
>> I use the datenhobel-hato-egg and my approach is to do "make clean" 
>> followed by "chicken-install". chicken-install won't install the egg 
>> properly unless you "make clean" beforehand so it's worth always doing both 
>> steps.
>> Hato also seems to install a version of lru-cache that is incompatible with 
>> the sql-de-lite egg so I always "chicken-install lru-cache" after 
>> installing hato.
>> For the bits that won't build or I can't be bothered fighting with 
>> dependencies for on all platforms (i3db), I just comment them out in 
>> hato.setup. My current commented-out list is:
>> ;; (compile-module hato-i3db)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-imap)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-pop)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-nntp)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-http)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-spf)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-token)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-prob)
>> ;; (compile-module hato-filter-env)
>> ;; (compile-module highlight)
>> ;; (compile-module html-summary)
>> ;; (compile-module wiki-utils)
>> ;; (compile-module wiki-parse)
>> ;; (compile-module wiki-write)
>> ;; (compile-executable hato-fetch)
>> ;; (compile-executable hato-httpd)
>> As I use "chicken-install" to build things I don't need to patch the 
>> Makefile.
>> If you need any of that stuff then you're probably better off with 
>> Christian's patch: I just use hato-smtp.scm to send mail out.
>> Regards,
>> @ndy
> I have try the patch file but still get errors, this time is "undefine
> module hato-i3db".
> I also find the hato.setup file in datenhobel-hato-egg and try to
> chicken-install. I really like this way, but I failed in install
> tokyocabinet. The error is tcutil.h not found.
> blueperson
For I'm using Gentoo, I just emerge tokyocabinet, and all thing become
Thanks for all you help again.


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