Hi Oleg!

Those are great news!

I am very interested in this project since native Windows build is preferable when you work on Windows rather than mingw tricks. This will greatly shorten Chicken dependency list for Windows - one don`t need to install mingw stuff to build Chicken with eggs on Windows and use platform tools instead.

On 15.06.2014 01:21, Oleg Kolosov wrote:
Hello All!

I'm working on new build system for Chicken, based on CMake which,
besides more configurability and faster build times, can offer native
Windows and MacOSX support with Visual Studio, XCode and other IDEs
integration. I also can make installer with few eggs bundled and such.

The system already allows seamless integration with CMake projects and
tested on Linux. But doing full Windows port is more involved unfortunately.

So, if anybody interested in native Windows port of Chicken, give your vote.

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