On 06/17/14 17:48, Pedro Melendez wrote:
> I would vote for that too. Some eggs might be a little tricky to port
> though. I remember having troubles with a networking egg on cygwin.
> Can't wait to see this :)
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Yaroslav Tsarko
> <eriktsa...@googlemail.com <mailto:eriktsa...@googlemail.com>> wrote:
>     -------- Original Message --------
>     Subject:  Re: [Chicken-users] Active Windows users poll
>     Date:     Mon, 16 Jun 2014 14:52:40 +0200
>     From:     Richard <plui...@freeshell.de> <mailto:plui...@freeshell.de>
>     To:       Yaroslav Tsarko <eriktsa...@googlemail.com>
>     <mailto:eriktsa...@googlemail.com>
>     Hello Oleg,
>     I too would greatly welcome a Window build. Thank you
>     On 06/16/14 13:24, Yaroslav Tsarko wrote:
>     > Hi Oleg!
>     >
>     > Those are great news!
>     >
>     > I am very interested in this project since native Windows build is 
>     > preferable when you work on Windows
>     > rather than mingw tricks. This will greatly shorten Chicken dependency 
>     > list for Windows - one don`t need to install mingw stuff to build 
>     > Chicken with eggs on Windows and use platform tools instead.
>     >
>     > On 15.06.2014 01:21, Oleg Kolosov wrote:
>     >> Hello All!
>     >>
>     >> I'm working on new build system for Chicken, based on CMake which,
>     >> besides more configurability and faster build times, can offer native
>     >> Windows and MacOSX support with Visual Studio, XCode and other IDEs
>     >> integration. I also can make installer with few eggs bundled and such.
>     >>
>     >> The system already allows seamless integration with CMake projects and
>     >> tested on Linux. But doing full Windows port is more involved 
>     >> unfortunately.
>     >>
>     >> So, if anybody interested in native Windows port of Chicken, give 
>     >> your vote.

Thanks to all who replied! This certainly encourages the development.

Whether it will be accepted by the Chicken developers is still a big
question, there are still a lot of issues which needs resolving. But I
will continue to work on this anyway for solving our company internal needs.

I occasionally put the changes on github:
https://github.com/bazurbat/chicken-scheme and
https://github.com/bazurbat/cmake-modules. The support for integrating
Chicken with existing CMake projects is quite solid already. If you are
interested in early access or testing feel free to contact me directly.

Regards, Oleg

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