On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 12:34:08PM +0100, Caolan McMahon wrote:
> I published leveldb bindings a while ago. It turns out the
> implementation had some issues with mangled keys in some
> circumstances. I've now fixed these issues and created some additional
> eggs to compliment leveldb. The new eggs are as follows:
> level - provides the leveldb interface (put/get etc)
> https://github.com/caolan/chicken-level

Added, thanks!

> leveldb - an implementation of the 'level' api, using libleveldb to store data
> https://github.com/caolan/chicken-leveldb

This egg was already added.  Looks like you just made a new release,
but that should automatically appear for download.

> sublevel - an implementation of the 'level' api which provides
> namespaced access to another implementation
> https://github.com/caolan/chicken-sublevel

Added, thanks!

> I'm hoping to write (or encourage someone else to write) a memory-only
> implementation of the 'level' API, which would be useful for testing
> or other circumstances where you want to use a module written to the
> 'level' interface without persisting data.

Sounds useful.  And perhaps some integration with a relational DB, or
other types of stores (memcached?) could be added.


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