Thanks Peter and Jim, that makes a lot of sense. Even if they never get
homogenized, I'm glad the sxml tools exist, and the Chicken division
definitely helps.

I guess my question boils down to "what am I missing" – do the low-level
functions only serve for writing the top-level ones, or do they have uses
of their own, which I can't imagine because I'm coming to XML-processing
with an XSLT mindset.

I'll start digging around the Sourceforge list archives...


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 1:04 AM, Jim Ursetto <> wrote:

> I've got a couple of blog posts on SXML and namespaces, if you haven't
> already seen them:
> but these are higher-level and so perhaps not useful to you.
> There's definitely very little documentation and only marginally more code
> examples.  Most of this I reverse engineered from docs I pieced together
> and the original code itself.  Peter did a great job at adding a lot of
> documentation, for example to the sxpath low-level functions, but there are
> still large gaps.  There's also bugs and missing functionality.  And as
> noted, it's a grab-bag of parts which don't necessarily work together, or
> provide an 80% solution.  Case in point, the lack of namespace support in
> sxml-modify.
> If you have specific questions you could try asking here, or on the
> Sourceforge list.  I haven't used sxml-modify myself.  Which low-level
> tools did you want to learn about?
> On Jul 25, 2014, at 1:54 PM, Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody <>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> Since this is my first post, let me say how happy I've been since I
> discovered Chicken: thanks everyone for creating such a well-thought-out
> environment.
> I've got a general question about the sxml tools. I've been using the
> top-level functions for a while now, for tasks I *could* do in XSLT, but
> prefer doing in Scheme. I've always found the lower-level interface(s) a
> bit intimidating.
> But recently I got stuck on the lack of namespaces in sxml-modify, and
> started wondering if it would be possible to rewrite it, and then... well
> more generally, whether it's worth learning how to use the low-level tools,
> and what I could do with them. Or are pre-post-order and sxpath and
> sxml-path as good as it gets, for an average user like me? When I search
> around the web, I can't seem to find examples of more advanced uses of the
> tools (or at least, well-documented ones...).
> Many thanks for your thoughts,
> Nathaniel
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