
I am trying to use the browscap.org database to do HTTP User Agent

This database consists of a (large) number of regexes and data about the
browser should the user agent string match that regex.

What I want to do is compile all the regexes together and be able to add
annotations such that I can match a UA string against this regex and get
back an idea of which pattern matched so that I can look up the
appropriate data.

i.e. I have a data structure keyed by "pattern" and I want to my input
to be something that matches that pattern rather than the pattern itself.

It seems that for this I need "Callbacks" but I don't really need full
callback support: I don't necessarily need to call an actual procedure
and I don't need to replace anything: I'm not doing a search/replace,
just a match. "All" I really need is to be able to annotate the FSM node
that matched with a little bit of data that I can get back.

Is this something that would be easy to add to irregex or can anyone
suggest any other alternative implementations that I might consider?

The PHP library that uses this browscap database (apparently) just does
a linear search by trying to match each regex in turn but I'd rather
keep that approach as a last resort.

Thanks for your help and any tips you can offer.



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